Thus I Wrote

You're never alone, if you've something to share


with 4 comments


Sometimes I take refuge
In childhood fairytales
Where right hero defeats wrong villain
And pure heart rips through malevolent veils
It stills my beating heart and
Soothes my aching searching soul
It is a little Light to give some hope
When a complex Universe takes its toll

But you say you speak for God
…Do not lie to me
If God exists he wants big answers
And not your ugly atrocity
History is filled with liars
Who say what God would say
Before they lead people blindly
Into some barbaric play

The universe asked a question
“What is the best way to exist?”
Many civilisations have answered
“This way is best we insist”
Many Messiahs stood alone
And answered with their vision
A step for the next Messiah to see more
And to offer the next revision

No one knows the future
Only death is certain
The Universe was created
Does God know the intention?
Man created fairytales
As a Light to help us for Good
But in Paris they spread darkness
In a way no loving God would

Written by thus.i.wrote

November 15, 2015 at 6:34 pm

4 Responses

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  1. Beautiful

    Yemaja S. Maat

    November 15, 2015 at 6:43 pm

  2. Very well expressed


    November 15, 2015 at 6:57 pm

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