Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:ML programming (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 8
Automated theorem proving (edit)
Community of practice (edit)
Dialect (computing) (edit) Programming language (edit)
Open-source software (edit)
Programming language implementation (edit)
Programming tool (edit)
Proof assistant (edit)
Software (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 1
Dialect (computing) (edit) Programming language (edit)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 51
ML (programming language) (edit)
OCaml (edit)
Poplog (edit)
Robin Milner (edit)
Standard ML (edit)
Isabelle (proof assistant) (edit)
HOL (proof assistant) (edit)
Logic for Computable Functions (edit)
F Sharp (programming language) (edit)
Coq (software) (edit)
Extended ML (edit)
MLton (edit)
Xavier Leroy (edit)
Lennart Augustsson (edit)
Standard ML of New Jersey (edit)
Dependent ML (edit)
Concurrent ML (edit)
Twelf (edit)
Camlp4 (edit)
SLAM project (edit)
Caml (edit)
MacroML (edit)
Don Sannella (edit)
FFTW (edit)
Damien Doligez (edit)
GeneWeb (edit)
JoCaml (edit)
HOL Light (edit)
Haxe (edit)
MTASC (edit)
Frank Pfenning (edit)
Matita (edit)
Gérard Huet (edit)
ATS (programming language) (edit)
Marionnet (edit)
Frama-C (edit)
Don Syme (edit)
Alice (programming language) (edit)
Astrée (static analysis) (edit)
Thierry Coquand (edit)
LEGO (proof assistant) (edit)
F* (programming language) (edit)
Alt-Ergo (edit)
Ur (programming language) (edit)
Steven G. Johnson (edit)
Christine Paulin-Mohring (edit)
Reason (programming language) (edit)
Eff (programming language) (edit)
Futhark (programming language) (edit)
Semgrep (edit)
Simon Thompson (professor) (edit)

Total: 59
ATS (programming language) (edit)
Alice (programming language) (edit)
Alt-Ergo (edit)
Astrée (static analysis) (edit)
Automated theorem proving (edit)
Caml (edit)
Camlp4 (edit)
Christine Paulin-Mohring (edit)
Community of practice (edit)
Concurrent ML (edit)
Coq (software) (edit)
Damien Doligez (edit)
Dependent ML (edit)
Dialect (computing) (edit) Programming language (edit)
Don Sannella (edit)
Don Syme (edit)
Eff (programming language) (edit)
Extended ML (edit)
F* (programming language) (edit)
FFTW (edit)
F Sharp (programming language) (edit)
Frama-C (edit)
Frank Pfenning (edit)
Futhark (programming language) (edit)
GeneWeb (edit)
Gérard Huet (edit)
HOL (proof assistant) (edit)
HOL Light (edit)
Haxe (edit)
Isabelle (proof assistant) (edit)
JoCaml (edit)
LEGO (proof assistant) (edit)
Lennart Augustsson (edit)
Logic for Computable Functions (edit)
ML (programming language) (edit)
MLton (edit)
MTASC (edit)
MacroML (edit)
Marionnet (edit)
Matita (edit)
OCaml (edit)
Open-source software (edit)
Poplog (edit)
Programming language implementation (edit)
Programming tool (edit)
Proof assistant (edit)
Reason (programming language) (edit)
Robin Milner (edit)
SLAM project (edit)
Semgrep (edit)
Simon Thompson (professor) (edit)
Software (edit)
Standard ML (edit)
Standard ML of New Jersey (edit)
Steven G. Johnson (edit)
Thierry Coquand (edit)
Twelf (edit)
Ur (programming language) (edit)
Xavier Leroy (edit)

Generated: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 04:33:37 UTC. Duration: 0 seconds.

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