[UA→GA4] Universal Analytics view-related features in Google Analytics 4 properties [Legacy]

You are viewing a legacy article about Universal Analytics. Learn more about Google Analytics 4 replacing Universal Analytics.

The following table gives you side-by-side lists of configurations and features associated with reporting views in Universal Analytics and the same or similar configurations and features in Google Analytics 4 properties.

In some cases, the settings have moved from view settings in Universal Analytics to property settings in Google Analytics 4 properties. In other cases, similar, improved features have been introduced or there is no current analogous feature in Google Analytics 4 properties.

Links are provided to the documentation for each version of Analytics or to the location in the Analytics interface where you can find the same settings.

Universal Analytics view-related features Same/similar features in Google Analytics 4
Website URL: View settings Website URL: Web data-stream settings
Timezone: View settings Timezone: Property settings
Default page: View settings No option
Exclude URL Query Parameters: View settings No option
Currency: View settings Currency: Property settings
Bot filtering: View settings Bot filtering: Bot-traffic exclusion
Modeling settings > Enable Data-Driven Models (360 only) Attribution modeling
Site search settings Send a search event each time a user searches on the site.

User management for views

Add, edit, delete users and user groups

User permissions

Since Google Analytics 4 properties do not include views, user access and permissions are handled at the account and property levels.

Add, edit, delete users and user groups

User permissions


Mark events as key events

key events are defined for the property, whereas in Universal Analytics, goals are defined at the view level.

Content grouping

No option in user interface

Use measurement code


Data filters

  • Create include/exclude filters for internal and developer traffic

Event modifications and custom events

  • Modify event names and parameters

Identify unwanted referrals

  • Include only the referrals you want

Create subproperties (360 only)

  • Create fully functional properties that are subsets of the data in your 360 properties
Default Channel Grouping Default Channel Grouping
Manage brand terms No option
Ecommerce setup

No need to enable ecommerce reporting in the UI. Monetization reports are provided by default as part of the Life cycle collection in the left navigation.

Implement ecommerce events via the measurement code

Calculated metrics No option

Comparisons in reports

Segments in Explore

Annotations No option
Custom Channel Groupings Custom Channel Groups
Custom alerts Custom Insights
Scheduled email

No option

An alternative approach is to send scheduled emails of Looker Studio reports. 

Share assets No option


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