romance. scandal. manners.

Welcome to Good Society, the Jane Austen roleplaying game. Play out your very own regency drama of balls, estates, passions and desires.

2 to 5 players (including a facilitator)
Play any number of sessions, but best from 3 to 8
Online play support included

Best Rules WINNER – Indie Groundbreaker // Game of the Year WINNER – ARPIA // Game of the Year Nominee – Indie Groundbreaker // Tabletop of the Year Nominee – AGAN // Best Art Nominee – Indie Groundbreaker

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Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $159.90.

Good Society

Good Society PDF


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Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $159.90.

Good Society is a collaborative regency rpg that seeks to capture the heart, and the countenance, of Jane Austen’s work.

It is a game of balls, estates, sly glances, and turns about the garden. At least on the surface. Underneath this, just as in Austen’s own novels, it is a game of social ambition, family obligation and breathtaking, heart-stopping longing.

Play the type of characters that captured your imagination in Austen’s books.

Create your own regency character, from a wealthy heir who falls in love with the aloof new arrival, to a charming socialite bent on ruining the reputation of their rivals. Exploit your advantages, connections, and family influence to achieve your secret desire – all while jealously guarding your good name.

Not only that, players in Good Society hold the power to control the story itself, and change it in their favour. Take control of influential connections, create rumour and scandal, and spend tokens to orchestrate balls, carriage accidents, and even marriages.

Watch Good Society being played on Roll4It

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we play Good Society

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There could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison.

A guide to playing a two player only version of the game.

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The Team behind Good Society

Raven Warner

Raven is an illustrator working in Baltimore. She started roleplaying for much the same reasons she started drawing: a love of imagining spaces, exploring characters, and creating stories with friends. Find more of her work at

Aviv Or

Aviv Or is a UK-based freelance comic artist and illustrator with a passion for character art. She works (and plays) mainly in the tabletop games industry, and co-creates the webcomic Up to Four Players about roleplaying adventures. She doesn’t like tea, but makes up for it by drinking coffee very daintily.

Lauren McManamon

Lauren developed a taste for creative writing at the age of 10, which blossomed into a secret engagement to Austen around the age of 14. She’s since honed her love for storytelling and gaming, and is devoted to character drama, romance, and the Oxford comma. @thestraykiwi

Alex Robinson
guest writer

Alex Robinson is a nerd. During the day, you can find them working as a nurse. Out of business hours, they are writing and editing tabletop roleplaying games and co-hosting a sex ed podcast @letsdoitpodcast. At all times, they’re a nerd on the internet @pronerdalex and anywhere comics, games or full free academic articles are available.

Vee Hendro
game designer And graphic designer

Vee Hendro is one half of Storybrewers. As well as making games, she is a freelance RPG graphic designer based in Sydney, Australia. Catch her on a bouldering wall, bushwalk or drooling over mechanical keyboards. 

Hayley Gordon
Game Designer and Lead Writer

Hayley is the other half of Storybrewers and is the decidedly more silly half. She makes games and also a damn good Kentucky tea. She likes writing most things, but not her own bio.