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FederationU.S.S. Enterprise-A
Plaque 1701-A
James T. Kirk
Decommissioned (2293)

The U.S.S. Enterprise-A was a refit Constitution-class Cruiser launched in 2286 to replace the U.S.S. Enterprise, which had been destroyed three months earlier.

The Enterprise-A served Starfleet for seven years. In that time she participated in a number of missions, including a journey to the galactic core and a race to save the Khitomer conference. The latter was especially important, as it paved the way for many decades of peace with the Klingon Empire. She was decommissioned in 2293, and her successor (the Enterprise-B) was launched later that year.

Former Crew Members (Selection)[ | ]

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  • A plaque depicting the Enterprise-A can be seen inside starbases whose fleets have completed the special project "History and Movement". The plaque, however, depicts the starship in the 25th Century Constitution-refit style, which bears little resemblance to the look of the ship in the Star Trek films.

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Faction Federation
Details Starfleet • United Federation of Planets â€¢ Human â€¢ Vulcan â€¢ Andorian â€¢ Tellarite • Earth â€¢ Earth Space Dock â€¢ Starfleet Academy â€¢ Vulcan (planet) â€¢ Andoria â€¢ Bajor â€¢ Deep Space 9
Ground Forces Ensign Security Officer â€¢ Ensign Engineering Officer â€¢ Ensign Medic â€¢ Lieutenant Tactical Officer â€¢ Engineer (Mob) â€¢ Combat Medic (Mob) â€¢ Commander Tactical Officer â€¢ Commander Engineering Officer â€¢ Commander Science Officer â€¢ Security Chief â€¢ Chief Engineer (Mob) â€¢ Chief Medical Officer (Mob)
Starships Federation Shuttlecraft (Mob) â€¢ Peregrine Fighter (Mob) â€¢ Federation Frigate â€¢ Federation Cruiser (Mob) â€¢ Federation Escort (Mob) â€¢ Federation Science Vessel (Mob) â€¢ Galaxy Class Cruiser â€¢ Rhode Island Science Vessel â€¢ Intrepid Class Science Vessel â€¢ Nebula Class Science Vessel â€¢ Typhoon Class Battleship â€¢ Armitage Class Escort Carrier â€¢ Prometheus Class Escort â€¢ Multi-Mission Explorer (Mob) â€¢ Federation Battlecruiser â€¢ Chimera Class Heavy Destroyer â€¢ Jupiter Class Dreadnought â€¢ Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser â€¢ Odyssey Dreadnought Cruiser
NPCs Julian Bashir â€¢ Ethan Burgess â€¢ Richard Castillo â€¢ The Doctor â€¢ D'Vak â€¢ Franklin Drake â€¢ Elisa Flores â€¢ Harry Kim â€¢ Kira Nerys â€¢ James Kurland â€¢ Leonard McCoy â€¢ Nog â€¢ Aennik Okeg â€¢ Miral Paris â€¢ Tom Paris â€¢ Jorel Quinn â€¢ Chal Rexx â€¢ Va'Kel Shon â€¢ Spock â€¢ Masc Taggart â€¢ Tuvok â€¢ T'nae â€¢ Grigori Yanishev â€¢ Natasha Yar
NPC starships U.S.S. Aventine â€¢ U.S.S. Belfast â€¢ U.S.S. Chimera â€¢ U.S.S. Challenger â€¢ U.S.S. Defiant â€¢ U.S.S. de Witt â€¢ U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701) â€¢ U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) â€¢ U.S.S. Enterprise-F â€¢ U.S.S. Hofmann â€¢ U.S.S. Houston â€¢ U.S.S. Khitomer â€¢ U.S.S. Kirk â€¢ U.S.S. Musashi â€¢ U.S.S. Rhode Island â€¢ U.S.S. Sally Ride â€¢ U.S.S. Voyager
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The starships Enterprise
Enterprise Rescue
NX-01 • NCC-1701 (Kelvin Timeline) • NCC-1701-A • NCC-1701-B • NCC-1701-C
NCC-1701-D • NCC-1701-E • NCC-1701-F (Mirror) • NCC-1701-J