Star Trek Online Wiki
Offensive Subsystem Tuning

This skill improves the amount of subsystem power available in your Weapons and Engines Subsystems.

Each point of Weapons Subsystem Power improves the base damage dealt by your starship energy weapons by 1%

Each point of Engines Subsystem Power improves the base Turn Rate of your starship by 1%. as well as improving your Impulse Speed.

  • +4.8 Weapons and Engines Subsystem Power
  • +3.2 Weapons Subsystem Power = Total Subsystem Power Bonus = +8.0
  • +3.2 Engines Subsystem Power = Total Subsystem Power Bonus = +8.0


Engineering Skill 3 R1

Offensive Subsystem Tuning is a Captain Engineering skill that is available to all Captains. There are three total skills, one benefiting both Weapons and Engines Subsystem Power and a point dedicated to each individual subsystem in this chain, each costing 1 Space Point to purchase.

Abilities Affected[]

Starship (Power and Subsystems)

Point Progression[]

Bridge Officer Abilities[]

Starship Power Systems[]

Four consoles affect your ships individual power settings by boosting a single option. The effect can be stacked, so multiple consoles of the same type is an option. Each console of the same mark and rarity provides the same bonus, but to a different power level.

Personal Traits[]

Starship Traits[]

Additional Modifiers[]
