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The Reformation Reinforcements Set is a space set that consists of 3 consoles:

These consoles are equippable on any starship in any console slot.

Console - Universal - Cardassian Support Platform Cluster[ | ]

Console - Universal - Cardassian Support Platform Cluster
Epic Universal Console
Character Bind On Pickup
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

+0 - 6 Auxiliary Power Setting, scales up as power setting decreases
+50 Starship Scientific Readiness
Deploy Support Platform Cluster
Deploy Support Platform Cluster
Create a Support Platform and 3 Spiral Wave Disruptor Turrets for 45 sec
To Allies within 3km of Support Platform:
* ____ Shield Regeneration every 0.5 sec
To Foes within 3km of Support Platform:
* -____% Flight Speed
* -____% Flight Turn Rate
* -____% Shield Resistance
Value: 0 Energy credit icon
Console - Universal - Cardassian Support Platform Cluster icon
Epic icon
Special Ability: Deploy Support Platform Cluster icon (Federation) Deploy Support Platform Cluster

Console - Universal - Cardassian Support Platform Cluster is obtained from the Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought (Zen Store, sold separately: 3000 Zen small icon, sold as part of a Cardassian Intel Bundle: 6000 Zen small icon and Gamma Vanguard Pack: 13000 Zen small icon, Cross-Faction Tier 6).

Description[ | ]

The Damar-class comes pre-equipped with a Console - Universal - Cardassian Support Platform Cluster. When activated, your starship will deploy a potent shield generator. After a short time, the shield generator will then deploy 3 Spiral Wave Disruptor Platforms. Additionally, the shield generator will significantly reduce the flight speed, turn rate and shield hardness of foes within a short distance of it. Spiral Wave Disruptor Platforms are equipped with Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays and will use Fire at Will II and Beam: Overload I.

This console also provides a passive bonus to Scientific Readiness and a scaling bonus to Auxiliary Power that increases as that subsystem's power system is decreased.

This console mod can be equipped on any starship. You may only equip a single one of these consoles.

Console - Universal - Cardassian Mobile Torpedo Platform[ | ]

Console - Universal - Cardassian Mobile Torpedo Platform
Epic Universal Console
Character Bind On Pickup
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

+0 - 6 Engine Power Setting, scales up as power setting decreases
+50 Starship Tactical Readiness
Deploy Mobile Torpedo Platform
Deploy Mobile Torpedo Platform
Summon a Mobile Torpedo Platform for 60 sec
The platform will follow you and attack with:
* Photon Torpedoes
* Torpedo Spread III
* Torpedo Salvo III
Value: 0 Energy credit icon
Console - Universal - Cardassian Mobile Torpedo Platform icon
Epic icon
Special Ability: Deploy Mobile Torpedo Platform icon (Federation) Deploy Mobile Torpedo Platform

Console - Universal - Cardassian Mobile Torpedo Platform is obtained from the Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser (Zen Store, sold separately: 3000 Zen small icon, sold as part of a Cardassian Intel Bundle: 6000 Zen small icon and Gamma Vanguard Pack: 13000 Zen small icon, Cross-Faction Tier 6).

Description[ | ]

The Ghemor-class comes pre-equipped with a Console - Universal - Cardassian Mobile Torpedo Platform. When activated, this will deploy a durable mobile weapon platform. This platform is bristling with torpedo ports and will frequently unleash a constant withering barrage of photon torpedoes to your target and nearby enemy, using Photon Torpedo Spread barrages.

This console also provides a passive bonus to Engineering Readiness and a scaling bonus to Engine Power that increases as that subsystem's power system is decreased.

This console mod can be equipped on any starship. You may only equip a single one of these consoles.

Console - Universal - Spiral Wave Blast Module[ | ]

Console - Universal - Spiral Wave Blast Module
Epic Universal Console
Character Bind On Pickup
Cannot Equip more than 1 of this Item
Values do not reflect skills or other modifiers

+0 - 6 Shield Power Setting, scales up as power setting decreases
+50 Starship Engineering Readiness
Spiral Wave Disruptor Blast
Slow-Moving Cone AoE
180' targeting arc
Fires a Spiral Wave Disruptor Blast
To Foes hit:
* ____ Disruptor Damage
* -10 All Damage Resistance Rating for 15 sec
(Spiral Wave Disruptor Blast travels 10km)
Value: 0 Energy credit icon
Console - Universal - Spiral Wave Blast Module icon
Epic icon
Special Ability: Spiral Wave Disruptor Blast icon (Federation) Spiral Wave Disruptor Blast

Console - Universal - Spiral Wave Blast Module is obtained from the Cardassian Intel Escort (Zen Store, sold separately: 3000 Zen small icon, sold as part of a Cardassian Intel Bundle: 6000 Zen small icon and Gamma Vanguard Pack: 13000 Zen small icon, Cross-Faction Tier 6).

Description[ | ]

The Detapa-class comes pre-equipped with a Console - Universal - Spiral Wave Blast Module. This console utilizes unique Cardassian weapons technology to emit a massive burst of deadly "spiral-wave" disruptor energy in a wide arc in front of the vessel. Enemies caught in the blast wave will suffer heavy Disruptor damage and have their damage resistance reduced significantly.

This console also provides a passive bonus to Engineering Readiness and a scaling bonus to Shield Power that increases as that subsystem's power system is decreased.

This console mod can be equipped on any starship. You may only equip a single one of these consoles.

Set Powers[ | ]

For each item added after the first, an additional power is available.

Set 2: Efficient Arrays

  • +5% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons
  • -10% Weapon Power Cost

Set 3: Spiral Wave Expertise

  • +15% Disruptor Damage
  • +15 Disruptor Damage Resistance Rating
  • Reduces Recharge on all Cardassian Intel Starship Console Abilities by 60 sec

Notes[ | ]

Equipment Sets       
v · d · e
See also: Equipment • Set
Ground Sets
Appointment Progress Event Breen Cryoshaper (Winter Event Store) • Imperial Assault (Special Event) • Sompek Arena Warrior (Phoenix Prize Pack / Weekend Event Store) • Visionary (Special Event)
Mission available Mission Reward Excessive Development (Kentari) • Furtive Perseverance (Romulan Operative) • Jem'Hadar Armored Shroud • Na'kuhl Temporal Operative
Romulan Imperial Navy
Omega Marks Task Force Omega Adapted Honor Guard • Adapted M.A.C.O. • Honor Guard • M.A.C.O. • Omega Force
Nukara Marks Nukara Strikeforce Crystalline Nanofiber Shell • Refractive Bulwark • Shattering Harmonics
Dyson Marks Dyson Joint Command Dyson Joint Command
Undine Marks Counter-Command 8472 Counter-Command Elite
Delta Marks Delta Alliance Delta Alliance Elite
Iconian Marks Iconian Resistance Iconian Resistance Elite
Terran Marks Terran Task Force Terran Task Force Special Ops
Temporal Marks Temporal Defense Temporal Defense Initiative Operative
Lukari Marks Lukari Restoration Lukari Restoration Initiative Operative
Competitive Marks Competitive Wargames Duelist Regalia
Gamma Mark icon Gamma Task Force Gamma Concerted Armaments
Discovery Mark icon Discovery Legends Burnham's Determination
Lobi Crystal icon Lobi Store Vranh'ko Quintessence • Instruments of Pursuit
Other Targ Handler (Ground Device)
Space Sets
Mission Reward Bajor Defense • Braydon Reconnaissance Technologies • Breen Absolute Zero • Chronometric Calculations • Desperate Defenses (Sol Defense) • Entoiled Technology (Nausicaan) • House Martok Skirmisher Configuration • Incontrovertible Defenses • Jem'Hadar • Kobali Regenerative Circuitry • Krenim Temporal Manipulation • Morphogenic Armaments • Preserver Resonant Technologies • Quantum Phase Applications • Quantum Phase Catalysts • Solanae Hybrid Technologies • Trilithium-Laced Weaponry
Other Aegis Technological Research (R&D System)
Appointment Progress Event Breen Cryonic (Winter Event Store) • Imperial Rift (Special Event) • Prolonged Engagement (Phoenix Prize Pack / Weekend Event Store)
Omega Marks Task Force Omega Adapted Honor Guard • Adapted M.A.C.O. • Assimilated Borg Technology • Honor Guard • Omega Adapted Borg Technology • Omega Force • Starfleet Elite Force
Romulan Marks New Romulus New Romulus Command Advanced Prototype • Romulan Singularity Harness
Nukara Marks Nukara Strikeforce Nukara Appropriated Munitions • Nukara Strikeforce Technologies
Dyson Marks Dyson Joint Command Dyson Joint Command Technologies • Protonic Arsenal
Undine Marks Counter-Command Counter-Command Ordnance • Fluidic Counter Assault
Delta Marks Delta Alliance Delta Alliance Assault • Delta Alliance Ordnance
Iconian Marks Iconian Resistance Iconian Resistance Starship Technologies • Radiant Armaments
Terran Marks Terran Task Force Terran Task Force Munitions • Terran Task Force Starship Technologies
Temporal Marks Temporal Defense Temporal Defense Initiative Armaments • Temporal Defense Initiative Starship Technologies
Lukari Marks Lukari Restoration Lukari Restoration Initiative Armaments • Lukari Restoration Initiative Starship Technologies
Competitive Marks Competitive Wargames Obfuscated Strategist • Prevailing Regalia
Gamma Mark icon Gamma Task Force Gamma Team Synergies • Task Force Ordnances
Discovery Mark icon Discovery Legends Stamets-Tilly Field Modifications • Lorca's Ambition
Lobi Crystal icon Lobi Store Altamid Adaptation • Apex Predator (Hirogen) • Contractual Agreement (Hazari) • Council Defense Pact (Xindi) • Delphic Applications
Enterprising Ingenuity (22c.) • Ferengi Marauder • Linked Sentry (Ba'ul) • Saboteur's Gambits • Sensor Modifications (Son'a)
Silent Enemy (Elachi) • Temporal Warfare • Tzenkethi Resolve
Ship Sets
Faction Federation
Akira • Andorian Assault • Avenger • Defiant • Excelsior • Galaxy Cruiser • Galaxy-X Dreadnought Cruiser • Intrepid • Multi-Mission Explorer • Nebula • Odyssey Cruiser • Prometheus • Sovereign
Faction Klingon
Klingon Empire
Bortasqu' Cruiser • Kor • Mogh
Faction Romulan Republic
Romulan Republic
Ar'Kif • D'deridex • Dhelan • Haakona • Mogai • Scimitar • T'varo
Faction Khitomer Grey
31st Century Temporal Technologies • † Alliance Multi-Mission Systems • Allied Dogfighters • Breen Hypercooled Technology • † Command Platforms • † Flagship Technologies • Piloting Modifications • † Reformation Reinforcements • Risian Exotic Particle Generators • † Solanae Advanced Technologies • Vanguard Superiority • Vorgon Weapon Expertise • We Are Smart
Lobi Crystal icon
† Alternate Timeline • † Ancient Obelisk Technology • Coalition Timeline Manipulation • Delphic Particle Accelerators • Dominion • Elachi Improved Crescent Wave Cannon • Ferengi Expedited Delivery • Herald Tactics • Hirogen Heuristics • Law and Order • Na'kuhl Plasma Technologies • Privateer Weapon Modifications • Reformation Reinforcements • Shell Shock • Son'a Technology • † Synergistic Retrofitting • Tal Shiar Adapted Borg Technology • † Temporal Fragmentation System • Tholian Technologies • Undine Fluidics • Vaadwaur Artillery • Voth Cloak Technologies • Xindi Experimental Weaponry
† denotes that not all pieces are ship-restricted