Synth Riders

Synth Riders

Latest version crashes after few min...anyway to change resolution?
I love this game but I am increasingly unable to play it. After about 10 minutes of so (used to be longer) everything goes black but the music continues and PC requires a hard boot.

I have had this issue with other games (cyberpunk, far cry 6, etc...) where i had been running them at 4k with my 8gb of VRAM (which is technically OK but not so much in practice). So, my fix for those games is to run them at 1920x1040 and everything works with no crashes.

This game used to have a resolution selection choice in the Settings section but I have been through all the settings and it is no longer there (even though I have seen screenshots of it in older versions so I know I'm not imagining it).

TLDR - is there an ini or cfg file or launch option to change the resolution in the current version?
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Wirrel  [developer] Aug 31 @ 6:20pm 
The Display Window resolution is in Settings > Visuals > Display Camera in v2 or v3 (you can set it OFF, or give it a resolution). Just bearing in mind that this will only adjust the display camera, and not the render resolution in headset. That has to be done from your SteamVR settings. Recommend getting onto the open beta, and then in SteamVR setting to AUTO render scale and turning off smoothing if you need better performance.
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