We Can ist das Titellied von Team Sonic für das Spiel Sonic Heroes und wurde von Ted Poley und Tony Harnell komponiert und gesungen.
- Woo!
- Alright!
- Oh yeah!
- Look out down below, Sonic is on the go
- Can't stop this party till we save the world
- This time not alone
- We've got some friends along
- And as a team we can become even stronger
- Together we can overcome all the odds
- It's never as hard as it seems
- Everyone can do something special
- The secret is sharing your dreams
- Yeah!
- We can make it if we all stick together
- We won't give up, not ever
- And everything's going to be alright
- We all bring out the best things in each other
- Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own
- So much better than alone
- Sonic's in the lead, giving us greater speed
- Tails keeps us flying high to stay above trouble
- And Knuckles by our side, makes this a safer ride
- We'll save the world and teach that Eggman a lesson
- Together we can overcome all the odds
- It's never as hard as it seems
- Everyone can do something special
- The secret is sharing your dreams
- Oh yeah!
- We can make it if we all stick together
- We won't split up, not ever
- It's easier with my friends by my side
- We all bring out the best things in each other
- Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own
- So much better than alone
- Better than alone
- And together we can overcome all the odds
- It's never as hard as it seems
- Yeah! Yeah!
- We can make it if we all stick together
- We won't give up, not ever
- And everything's going to be alright
- We all bring out the best things in each other
- Together we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own
- Can't stop us 'cause together we are strong
- Oh yeah!
Bezug zu dem Spiel
- Look out down below, Sonic is on the go - Tails und Knuckles springen auf den Boden aus dem Tornado-II heraus, um Sonic zu folgen.
- Can't stop this party till we save the world - Team Sonic bekommen Eggmans "Einladung zur Party", und wollen ihn treffen, um seine Pläne zu durchkreuzen.
- This time we're not alone, we've got some friends along - Sonic, Tails, Knuckles schließen sich zusammen und nicht alleine zu arbeiten.
- Everyone can do something special- („Jeder kann etwas Besonderes") - Jeder im Team mit ihren eigenen besonderen Fähigkeiten (Speed, Fly, und Power) und We all bring out best things in each other - Jeder mit eigenen Spezialfähigkeiten.
- Sonic 's in the lead, giving us greater speed - Sonic ist der Anführer des Teams und ist der Geschwindigkeitscharakter.
- Tails keeps us flying high to stay above trouble- Tails ist der Fly- Charakter des Teams.
- Add Knuckles by our side, makes things a safer ride- Knuckles ist der Power- Charakter des Teams.
- We'll save the world and teach that Eggman a lesson - Sie wollen Eggman besiegen und seine Pläne zur Weltherrschaft zerstören (zunächst wird erstmal davon ausgegangen, dass es Eggman ist und später Neo Metal Sonic).
- It's easier with my friends by my side- Knuckles und Tails sind immer an Sonics Seite, um die Welt zu retten.
- Together we can overcome all the odds- Team Sonic bekämpfen alles, was ihnen in den Weg kommen.
- It's never as hard as it seems - Keine Herausforderung ist zu hart für sie.
- And as a team we can become even stronger- Sonic, Knuckles und Tails können zusammen stärker sein und We can make it if we all stick together - Sonic, Knuckles und Tails können alles tun kann, wenn sie als Team zusammenarbeiten.
- We won't split up, not ever- Team Sonic wird niemals auseinandergehen.