Posted in leastReader_nb

2019 : Year Long Challenge

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for not posting for 2 month’s now. I was busy with my personal & a bit of professional life. I have so many pending reviews, and soon my blog will be alive again with the book review.

Happy New Year 2019 to everyone, who stayed with me and encouraged me in 2018 to post on the blog. Thanks for taking time out to check the posts, and appreciating them.

Making this my first post of the year & posting an year long challenge.

#leastReader_nb : 12 Months, 12 Prompt challenge is up on my instagram, and I will be following/posting the updates on my blog too.

We might get busy with our studies, exams, jobs, housework etc. and not get time to do that over the top challenges. So here it is, for the starters, the newbies and for people who just love challenges to read one MORE book per month.

Will be happy if you can join in. Comment below, if you are joining in. Below are the prompt details


Feel free to ask any more questions. You can join in on wordpress, Instagram or Twitter

Let’s do this together 🙂


Posted in BookPhotoQuizReadathon, Challenges

Readathon : BookPhotoQuizReadathon


Hey all Book lovers ❤

I and my fellow book lover Hema are doing a unique readathon and below are the details for them. This will be mostly active on instagram, but feel free to participate in twitter or your blog by posting on specific prompts for those days of readathon.

We will be taking over tags #bpqreadathon #bookphotoquizreadathon for this readathon. So please make sure you use them to get us notified about it.
Also tag Me (@night.bibliophile) and Hema (@hematalreja) for any post/story regarding readathon.

So here you go about the details






27 Jul-28 Jul-29 Jul-30 Jul : Read Book(s) from 100 books to read in a lifetime

31 Jul-1 Aug-2 Aug-3 Aug : Read book(s) on which movies/series

4 Aug-5 Aug-6 Aug-7 Aug : Read book(s) with an nonhuman character
*be it a unicorn, or dementor just make sure there is at least ONE*

8 Aug-9 Aug-10 Aug-11 Aug : Read Book(s) from your favorite Author/Genre

The links are provided just for helping you to choose, you can choose any that goes under the specified Prompt.

**Thanks for your attention, feel free to reach us here or Instagram for any further details*

Me (@night.bibliophile) or Hema (@hematalreja)

Happy Reading


Posted in Challenges, June Challenges

June Challenges



So June is almost here, already we have come halfway through the year. Yeey!! That we have survived with the hope of words, love and happiness.

Challenges are another great way to keep posting, and on Instagram there are every month, or sometimes every week different challenges.

So here I am gonna talk about the
challenges I am very much interested in, and will be doing one of them.

1. PrideReadathon #pridereadathon

This readathon is all about the #pridemonth , and Host Sai aka zanyanomaly and Dhruv aka theperksofbeingdhruv wish to read DIVERSE BOOKS and post about them in this month of June.
Diverse books can have characters of different Sexuality, nationalities, disabilities, races etc.

So go look at your book shelves and come up with books for pridereadathon, you can off course re-read your favorites. Don’t forget to update your reading with the tag #pridereadathon & #diversereadathon

Here I mention some of fellow bookstagramers TBR for prideredathon for your choices. (Feel free to comment down any more)
Anupama aka b0rn_2_read


Also don’t forget to check the Ten Diverse Books…. by Simant aka Flippingthruthepages


This is a Photo Challenge Organized by Maressabookish, embookish autumnalreader


All you have to do is, click pictures according to the prompt given for the day and you are doing great.
The biggest advantage of participating in this one is, the more you participate the more your name is entered to the Giveaway list which host’s will be doing after this PhotoChallenge.

*I will try to do this photochallenge, as I am not a regular poster on Instagram it’s gonna be difficult. But surely will try to post on as many days*

3. Mini-Readathon-2018

So this readathon challenge is coming from Goodreads Indian Readers Group that I am part of.

In this there is a mini readathon that will be held in June and participants have to be in pair. And they will challenge each other with 10 (non mandatory books) and 2 Mandatory books for the challenge.

After month ends, the Person who read the more between the two wins.!! YEeeyy!!

I and Gitanshi (my partner in mini readathon) have taken part in this.
And below are our TBR’s for this readathon..!!


Feel free to JOIN in any of it, or comment down Challenges you are taking in June 2018.

Posted in bookreview, femmemarchfest

Murder on the Orient Express


Book : Murder on the Orient Express
Author : Agatha Christie
Pages : 274
Price : 299/-
Publication : HarperCollins Publishers

My first ever Agatha Christie’s !! and WHAT A BOOK. Convincing my broken wallet, I need to read/own more of AC’s work.
One down, 44 to go for Hercule Poirot series.

Story (can’t write this without spoilers)

A train with 22 passengers, each different from one another. Yet they become part of an investigation, when one of the passengers is found murdered in his compartment.
Hercule Poirot takes matter in hand, and starts with investigation. Making assumptions and getting clues as he moved forward with the investigation. Interviewing each passenger and train staff for knowledge of any unknown or known clue.

12 wounds, surely means murder.
But Who Did It ?
Everyone has a strong alibi.
Was it someone from the Train ?
Or Someone from outside did this ?


As my first Agatha Christie’s novel, I enjoyed the writing style. I now know, why she is the best-selling author of all time.
I feel great, when reading crime/mystery novel I am so much involved it in that I continue to make guess who did it. And this was no different, the book started in a different place all together. And I kept wondering when is the Orient Express coming in limelight. And the way it came in, and the pace book took was good enough even though it sometimes got bored. As I can feel the time characters took to open up.

For writers writing a book on one single character sometimes is different, yet here it is Agatha amazingly playing with 16-17 characters and that too pretty well. Every character had its uniqueness to them, and most of all our Investigator Hercule stole the show always. His mannerism and his way of deducting absolute absurd(well I thought them absurd at that time) until all made the sense.

I loved how their were pretty funny dialogues in starting like

‘Ugly as sin, but she makes herself felt. You agree?’

‘If you will forgive me for being personal- I do not like your face, M. Ratchett’

Not that it was completely fool-proof, I still have some doubts like, why did Poirot ever thought that the murdered couldn’t go out from window ? I mean he can go up the roof of train right ? Not that he will stay there, but for making fool of someone, a murderer can do that right ?
Also there were some absolutely ABSURD deductions by him, I mean how he said a person was THAT person just by fluke ? You might say he was a SUPER GOOD Detective, but then it’s hard to believe that his absurdest deductions made a strong case and investigation forward.

Final Note :

From very few books, that I haven’t seen movies of before hand. Murder On The Orient Express is one of them, and I am eagerly waiting to see the movie now. Having the book of movie cover gives a clue who is who, still I want to make sure who is who. Also Johnny Deep as a victim, well that definitely is a MUST TO SEE ❤

Rating a writer like Agatha Christie is not my cup of tea, as she is the BEST.
Yet for this one, I will like to

Overall: 4/5

**I won the book in a contest by HarperCollins Publishers, when movie was about to release.**
Read this as part of #femmeMarchFest, in March 2018 where we devoted our reading to Female writers only.
This was my entry for the contest.
Posted in Challenges

Day 2 : Discovering India Readathon

Day 2 : A book written in any Indian Language (translated or otherwise)


Nirmala by Premchand is my book for Day 2 #DiscoveringIndiaReadathon. I read this in Hindi my native language.

This book was first published in 1899. This novel revolves around the topic, those were more prominent in those time.

  1. Dowry
  2. Marriage or young girl, with a old man.

This book kept me on feet, and as it was in Hindi . I & my maa both read it turn by turn. My maa is very frequent in reading Hindi, so it helped me to complete this one fast. ❤

~ Full review will be posted in coming week.

^_^ mpsn

Posted in Challenges

Day 1 : Discovering India Readathon

Day 1 : A book set in Pre-independence era


Midnight’s Children from Salman Rushdie was my first book on Day 1 of #discoveringIndiaReadathon challenge.

The book was first published in 1995 and revolves around a boy named Saleem Sinai who is born among many children on Midnight hour on the precise moment when India got Independence.

This is a slow read, and consisting of 428 pages. I wasn’t able to complete the book on Day1, so this still remains to be read again. Once the readathon is finished, or someday between if I finish another book pretty soon.

~ The review will be posted once the book is completely finished.

Feel free to follow me in this readathon on insta Neha


Posted in Challenges

4 Days 4 Books : Discovering India Readathon

As we are going to celebrate 70 years of Indian Independence this year, Aritri Chatterjee , Padmaja Pathak, Ankita Daiya
took an initiative to dive in Discovering various aspect of India.

This Readathon is for 4 days, where each day is dedicated to a special theme as follows


As this post is delayed, my TBR for the readathon is below.
Just 2 days left for this readathon, we will be happy if you still join us.





Happy Reading Everyone !!

^_^ mpsn


Posted in All, Challenges

Terza Zima (ABA, BCB,CDC) **NaPoWriMo**

For people like me, who don’t know what is Terza Zima poetry is. Read Terza Zima

This is my first Terza Zima, and I know, it hasn’t come up very nicely..
Still I will sent it to NAPOWRIMO and DailyPost

Paint my face with a smile…
So the people can’t recognize me..
And I can walk with them for a while.

I will be with them, but they wont see..
I can make them know me better..
And take them to my home for a tea..

Word Friends are made out of ABC letter..
But I know how to be a good one..
And eat food without getting fatter…

This is how it is done..
To have some fun…

Posted in ZeroToHero

Zero-To-Hero-Day 1(who I am and why I’m here)

My Blog will be soon 1 year old.. But at times I find it hard to find on “subjects” on which I should post..
So I joined Zero To Hero Challenge..
And very first day only I got an assignment

Today’s assignment: write and publish a “who I am and why I’m here” post.

Call me ‘smilempsn’, I love that name given to me by one of my best friends..
I am here, because I love writing… And thought why should it be kept to me only, so created this blog.
As my screen Name displays…. I love to make others Smile..Happy.. ^-^

Personally I am a Software Engineer, working since 6 yrs in this Industry.. But all it gets more boring and boring each day..
But having a BLOG, and something to write each day… Can brightens one day..

I live alone , i.e. away from my family for my Job. At times, I miss them.. And recently I miss them almost every day..hour..minute..second…!!
I wish to go to where my family is soon..
So who so ever is reading this.. Just pray for me… That I get a job , where my family is.. 🙂

That’s a lot about Me.. Feel free to tell me about you in my comment box ^-^.

Happy Blogging ^-^