*hangs head*
But hey, let's catch up, yeah?
2017 was a strange year. I moved into the in-law suite at my friend and her husband's house, and for the most part I *do* love it. I did discover that the apartment is just TOO big for me, though. I am not used to having both an office and a living room, so I'm finding that generally the living room just doesn't get used. I bring DVDs to the computer in the office to watch instead of using the TV and sitting on the sofa, etc. So now I'm trying to figure out how to reconfigure the room(s) to make them more user-friendly.
I did find that once I moved, though, I completely lost all motivation. Part of it is the new time constraints that I still haven't acclimatized to. I have to leave my house at a little after 8pm to catch the last bus. That gets me downtown by 9pm but I don't start work until 11pm. So I'm missing out on 2 to 2.5 hours of time at home that I would normally have spent writing/reading & commenting on LJ/playing on landcomms, etc. Still haven't managed to work out an effective work-sleep-play routine.
So I fell down on the job on a lot of things in 2017. My health/weight is worse than ever and I had my worst writing year on record (yeah, I have no idea what my total even was, but I'm pretty sure I didn't crack 50K). I did keep tabs on twitter in the social media arena. In the Finances department, I continued putting whatever coin was in my purse in a money jar every Saturday night -- that netted me $224 from May 01 to December 31 (I had previously cashed in the money jar when I moved) so that was a nice plus. And I made headway on paying down my debit. Slowly but surely, it's happening.
My big win was in the Books Read area. My goal was to read 65 books in 2017. I actually read 100 books in 2017. See, that's what falling down on all your other hobbies will get ya. (I also saw a shit-ton of movies, always fun.)
Anyway, for my own interest I did want to keep track of what I read and a little blurb about each, so if anyone is interested ( here is the Big List of Books I Read in 2017Collapse )
So at least I smoked ONE of the goals. Onward to 2018, where I truly hope to get back on track. Hope y'all are well, flisties!