Collecting CoinsMetal Detecting FindsCoiningMint CoinsAntique CoinsCoins Worth MoneyCoin CollectionScience GiftsCoin ValuesDiscover Coins With Metal Detectors - Type Set Coin Collectingmetal detector images | Discover Coins With Metal Detectors - Type Set Coin Collecting957
Old Things VintageCollecting CoinsGerman CoinsLogam MuliaVintage CoinsMoney CollectionForeign CoinsOld Coins Worth MoneyGerman HistoryOld Things VintageGerman before the euro.230
Old Coins CraftTypography TextureEthos Pathos LogosRare Coin ValuesCoin CraftsForeign CoinsOld Coins Worth MoneyRare Coins Worth MoneyGold BarsRARE Square Coins--Lot of 5 Unique Specimens! (very LIMITED Stock)"Square coins are the rarest type of \"irregular\" coin I come across and are in high demand. A quick search for \"square coins\" on other platforms will confirm just how uncommon and expensive they can be. This lot offers five unique square coins (though there will probably be more than one from the same country of origin). As this is a lightweight item, it combines well with other items to save on shipping (such as the 12 coin irregular set to get even more unusual coin specimens). See…117
Penny BankOld Coins ValueMoney NotesForeign CoinsOld Coins Worth MoneyRare Coins Worth MoneyCoin ArtValuable CoinsError CoinsSmall World CoinsIn the United States, our smallest circulating coin is the dime (10 cents). Its diameter is 18mm (a little less than 3/4 of an inch), which is only 1mm smaller than the penny (1 cent). The size difference is not easily noticed, which is why the dime is a different color (silver) and has a reeded edge to make the 2 coins more distinguishable. While the dime seems pretty small, there have been plenty of modern world coins which are even smaller. The main reason to mint a small coin is, of…1.4k
Old CurrencyAshoka PillarIndian CurrencyIndian CoinsParliament HouseLord JagannathPaper Art DesignCartoon SongsForeign CoinsIndia 10 Mixed Coins | Rupees | Paisa | Indian Currency Since 1969About this item A LIMITED EDITION. 10 DIFFERENT COINS FROM THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA. You will receive 10 collectible coins since 1969 from South Asian country - India. Indian coins from 1 paise to 5 Rupees . VALUABLE PIECES OF INDIAN HISTORY - Our coins collection includes real pieces issued in 1969 and onwards. You’ll love the story and culture carried by these small works of metal art. WORTHY INVESTMENT - We offer foreign coins that are not legal tender. This means there aren't many…29
Rare British CoinsOld British CoinsPound MoneyGold Coins MoneyOne Pound CoinSell Old CoinsOld Coins ValueAncient Roman CoinsOld Coins Worth MoneyNew 12-sided pound coin to be unveiled ahead of budget announcementFeaturing a rose, leek, thistle and shamrock, the Royal Mint believes the new coin will be the most secure in the world against counterfeiting136
How To Clean CoinsCoin SorterHow To Clean GoldClean Gold JewelryGlass CooktopCleaning Silver JewelryValuable CoinsCoins Worth MoneyMetal DetectingHome Cleaning | ehowCollecting coins is a great pastime. Because most coins have been in circulation for years, they are generally very dirty. Coins that have been found through metal detection are particularly dirty because they've been exposed to dirt and the elements for long periods of time. One of the easiest ways to clean coins ...33
Foreign Coins Worth MoneyCoin Collection DisplayCoin Collection ValueFantasy CoinsCoin IdentificationSigma RulesOld Coins PriceCollecting CoinsHistorical CoinsWavy-Edged CoinsA scallop-edged coin from the Bahamas Despite what we are used to here in the United States, coins do not have to be round to be minted and spent. I've previously discussed square coins, but an even more common shape is the scalloped coin, which has a wavy edge that goes all the way around the coin. The name comes from the distinctive wavy shell of the scallop, a sea mollusk similar to a clam. This coin shape may also be referred to as wavy-edged, flower shaped, or sun shaped. Coins with 8…351
Silver Dollar CoinOld Coins Worth MoneyPeace DollarRare Coins Worth MoneyAmerican CoinsValuable CoinsGold And Silver CoinsAntique CoinsCoin Values1922 PEACE DOLLAR, High Relief and Low Relief CONFUSEDI have a 1922 Peace dollar, I have been reading about the High Relief and Low Relief and I got confused. Please explan the differnce between the Two....26
Ancient Indian CoinsNumismatic CoinsOld Coins ValueForeign CurrencySell CoinsOld Coins Worth MoneyForeign CoinsEuro CoinsRare Coins Worth MoneyCoins with Holes (Holed Coins)Ancient Chinese "cash" coin Americans, when asked about coins with holes in them, probably picture the old Chinese "cash" coins which are featured so prominently in Chinese-style decor. These coins had a square-shaped hole in the center, with Chinese characters around it. The United States has never had a coin with a hole in it, so it's not something we're used to seeing. Plenty of other countries, however, have had one or more of this type of coin (known as "holed coins" or "holey coins")…1.9k