Testing Bell inequalities and probing quantum entanglement at CEPC


We study quantum entanglement and test violation of Bell-type inequality at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC), which is one of the most attractive future colliders. It's a promising particle collider designed to search new physics, make Standard Model (SM) precision measurements, and serving as a Higgs factory. Our study is based on a fast simulation of the $Z$ boson pair production from Higgs boson decay at $\sqrt{s} = 250$ GeV. The detector effects are also included in the simulation. The spin density matrix of the joint $ZZ$ system is parametrized using irreducible tensor operators and reconstructed from the spherical coordinates of the decay leptons. To test Bell inequalities, we construct observable quantities for the $H \to ZZ*$ process in CEPC by using the (Collins-Gisin-Linden-Massar-Popescu) CGLMP inequality, whose value is determined from the density matrix of the Z boson pairs. The sensitivity of the Bell inequality violation is observed with more than 1$\sigma$ and the presence of the quantum entanglement is probed with more than 2$\sigma$ confidence level.
Submitted 22 Oct 2024 to High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph]
Published 23 Oct 2024

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