Edge-Spreading Raptor-Like LDPC Codes for 6G Wireless Systems


Next-generation channel coding has stringent demands on throughput, energy consumption, and error rate performance while maintaining key features of 5G New Radio (NR) standard codes such as rate compatibility, which is a significant challenge. Due to excellent capacity-achieving performance, spatially-coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes are considered a promising candidate for next-generation channel coding. In this paper, we propose an SC-LDPC code family called edge-spreading Raptor-like (ESRL) codes for 6G. Unlike other SC-LDPC codes that adopt the structure of existing rate-compatible LDPC block codes before coupling, ESRL codes maximize the possible locations of edge placement and focus on constructing an optimal coupled matrix. Moreover, a new graph representation called the unified graph is introduced. This graph offers a global perspective on ESRL codes and identifies the optimal edge reallocation to optimize the spreading strategy. We conduct comprehensive comparisons of ESRL codes and 5G-NR LDPC codes. Simulation results demonstrate that when all decoding parameters and complexity are the same, ESRL codes have obvious advantages in error rate performance and throughput compared to 5G-NR LDPC codes, making them a promising solution towards next-generation channel coding.
Submitted 22 Oct 2024 to Information Theory [cs.IT]
Published 23 Oct 2024
Subjects: cs.IT math.IT
Author comments: 13 pages, 14 figures

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