Proposal of quantum repeater architecture based on Rydberg atom quantum processors


Realizing large-scale quantum networks requires the generation of high-fidelity quantum entanglement states between remote quantum nodes, a key resource for quantum communication, distributed computation and sensing applications. However, entanglement distribution between quantum network nodes is hindered by optical transmission loss and local operation errors. Here, we propose a novel quantum repeater architecture that synergistically integrates Rydberg atom quantum processors with optical cavities to overcome these challenges. Our scheme leverages cavity-mediated interactions for efficient remote entanglement generation, followed by Rydberg interaction-based entanglement purification and swapping. Numerical simulations, incorporating realistic experimental parameters, demonstrate the generation of Bell states with 99\% fidelity at rates of 1.1\u2009kHz between two nodes in local-area network (distance $0.1\,\mathrm{km}$), and can be extend to metropolitan-area ($25\,\mathrm{km}$) or intercity ($\mathrm{250\,\mathrm{km}}$, with the assitance of frequency converters) network with a rate of 0.1\u2009kHz. This scalable approach opens up near-term opportunities for exploring quantum network applications and investigating the advantages of distributed quantum information processing.
Submitted 16 Oct 2024 to Quantum Physics [quant-ph]
Published 17 Oct 2024
Author comments: 3 figures

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