Pseudoentanglement from tensor networks


Pseudoentangled states are defined by their ability to hide their entanglement structure: they are indistinguishable from random states to any observer with polynomial resources, yet can have much less entanglement than random states. Existing constructions of pseudoentanglement based on phase- and/or subset-states are limited in the entanglement structures they can hide: e.g., the states may have low entanglement on a single cut, on all cuts at once, or on local cuts in one dimension. Here we introduce new constructions of pseudoentangled states based on (pseudo)random tensor networks that affords much more flexibility in the achievable entanglement structures. We illustrate our construction with the simplest example of a matrix product state, realizable as a staircase circuit of pseudorandom unitary gates, which exhibits pseudo-area-law scaling of entanglement in one dimension. We then generalize our construction to arbitrary tensor network structures that admit an isometric realization. A notable application of this result is the construction of pseudoentangled `holographic' states whose entanglement entropy obeys a Ryu-Takayanagi `minimum-cut' formula, answering a question posed in [Aaronson et al., arXiv:2211.00747].
Submitted 03 Oct 2024 to Quantum Physics [quant-ph]
Published 05 Oct 2024
Updated 16 Oct 2024
Author comments: 5+6 pages, 3 figures. v2: fixed typos and minor issues

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