Redundancy-Aware Camera Selection for Indoor Scene Neural Rendering


Novel view synthesis of indoor scenes can be achieved by capturing a monocular video sequence of the environment. However, redundant information caused by artificial movements in the input video data reduces the efficiency of scene modeling. In this work, we tackle this challenge from the perspective of camera selection. We begin by constructing a similarity matrix that incorporates both the spatial diversity of the cameras and the semantic variation of the images. Based on this matrix, we use the Intra-List Diversity (ILD) metric to assess camera redundancy, formulating the camera selection task as an optimization problem. Then we apply a diversity-based sampling algorithm to optimize the camera selection. We also develop a new dataset, IndoorTraj, which includes long and complex camera movements captured by humans in virtual indoor environments, closely mimicking real-world scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate that our strategy outperforms other approaches under time and memory constraints. Remarkably, our method achieves performance comparable to models trained on the full dataset, while using only an average of 15% of the frames and 75% of the allotted time.
Submitted 11 Sep 2024 to Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition [cs.CV]
Published 12 Sep 2024
Subjects: cs.CV cs.AI

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