CMB Implications of Multi-field Axio-dilaton Cosmology


Axio-dilaton models are among the simplest scalar-tensor theories that contain the two-derivative interactions that naturally compete at low energies with the two-derivative inter-actions of General Relativity. Such models are well-motivated as the low energy fields arising from string theory compactification. We summarize these motivations and compute their cosmological evolution, in which the dilaton acts as dark energy and its evolution provides a framework for dynamically evolving particle masses. The derivative axion-dilaton couplings play an important role in the success of these cosmologies. We derive the equations for fluctuations needed to study their implications for the CMB anisotropy, matter spectra and structure growth. We use a modified Boltzmann code to study in detail four benchmark parameter choices, including the vanilla Yoga model, and identify couplings that give viable cosmologies, including some with surprisingly large matter-scalar interactions. The axion has negligible potential for most of the cosmologies we consider but we also examine a simplified model for which the axion potential plays a role, using axion-matter couplings motivated by phenomenological screening considerations. We find such choices can also lead to viable cosmologies.
Submitted 20 Aug 2024 to High Energy Physics - Theory [hep-th]
Published 21 Aug 2024
Updated 06 Sep 2024
Author comments: 38 pages, 8 figures

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