A new semi-coherent targeted search for continuous gravitational waves from pulsars in binary systems


We present a novel semi-coherent targeted search method for continuous gravitational waves~(CWs) emitted by pulsars in binary systems.~The method is based on a custom optimization of the coherence time according to the orbital parameters and their uncertainties, as provided by electromagnetic observations.~While rotating pulsars are expected to produce quasi-monochromatic CWs in their reference frame, their orbital motion introduces an additional modulation in the observer frame, alongside the one due to the Earth's motion.~As a result, the received signal is dispersed across a frequency range and demodulation techniques must be used to improve sensitivity. However, Doppler corrections can, in some cases, significantly vary within the uncertainties of orbital parameters, potentially lowering the detection chances of single-template fully-coherent searches.~In order to exploit the constraints drawn from electromagnetic observations we implement a semi-coherent search, more robust than these other methods, in which the coherence time is evaluated for each source taking into account uncertainties in its orbital parameters. This method was tested and applied to a set of twelve targets from the ATNF catalogue. The search identified one outlier whose astrophysical origin has been confidently excluded. For the first time to our knowledge, we then set upper limits on the signal strain from these 12 pulsars, the lowest being $h_{UL}\sim9.01\times 10^{-26}$ for PSR~J1326-4728B.
Submitted 04 Apr 2024 to General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology [gr-qc]
Published 08 Apr 2024
Updated 09 Oct 2024
Subjects: gr-qc astro-ph.IM

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