Engineering Plateau Phase Transition in Quantum Anomalous Hall Multilayers


The plateau phase transition in quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators corresponds to a quantum state wherein a single magnetic domain gives way to multiple magnetic domains and then re-converges back to a single magnetic domain. The layer structure of the sample provides an external knob for adjusting the Chern number C of the QAH insulators. Here, we employ molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to grow magnetic topological insulator (TI) multilayers with an asymmetric layer structure and realize the magnetic field-driven plateau phase transition between two QAH states with odd Chern number change ∆C. In multilayer structures with C=+-1 and C=+-2 QAH states, we find two characteristic power-law behaviors between temperature and the scaling variables on the magnetic field at transition points. The critical exponents extracted for the plateau phase transitions with ∆C=1 and ∆C=3 in QAH insulators are found to be nearly identical, specifically, k1~0.390+-0.021 and k2~0.388+-0.015, respectively. We construct a four-layer Chalker-Coddington network model to understand the consistent critical exponents for the plateau phase transitions with ∆C=1 and ∆C=3. This work will motivate further investigations into the critical behaviors of plateau phase transitions with different ∆C in QAH insulators and provide new opportunities for the development of QAH chiral edge current-based electronic and spintronic devices.
Submitted 22 Dec 2023 to Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Published 27 Dec 2023
Updated 14 Jan 2024
Author comments: 18 pages, 4 figures. Comments are welcome

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