Asymmetric Bethe Ansatz


The recently proposed exact quantum solution for two $\delta$-function-interacting particles with a mass-ratio $3\!:\!1$ in a hard-wall box [Y. Liu, F. Qi, Y. Zhang and S. Chen, iScience 22, 181 (2019)] violates the conventional necessary condition for a Bethe Ansatz integrability, the condition being that the system must be reducible to a superposition of semi-transparent mirrors that is invariant under all the reflections it generates. In this article, we found a way to relax this condition: some of the semi-transparent mirrors of a known self-invariant mirror superposition can be replaced by the perfectly reflecting ones, thus breaking the self-invariance. The proposed name for the method is \emphAsymmetric Bethe Ansatz (Asymmetric BA). As a worked example, we study in detail the bound states of the nominally non-integrable system comprised of a bosonic dimer in a $\delta$-well. Finally, we show that the exact solution of the Liu-Qi-Zhang-Chen problem is a particular instance of the the Asymmetric BA.
Submitted 26 Nov 2023 to Mathematical Physics [math-ph]
Published 28 Nov 2023
Updated 23 Aug 2024

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