Sketched Nanoscale KTaO3-Based Superconducting Quantum Interference Device


The discovery of two-dimensional superconductivity in LaAlO3/KTaO3 (111) and (110) interfaces has raised significant interest in this system. In this manuscript we report the first successful fabrication of a superconducting quantum interference device (DC-SQUID) in the KTO system. The key device elements, superconducting weak links, are created by conductive atomic force microscope (c-AFM) lithography which can reversibly control the conductivity at the LAO/KTO(110) interface with nanoscale resolution. The periodic modulation of the SQUID critical current, Ic(B), with magnetic field corresponds well with our theoretical modeling, which reveals a large kinetic inductance of the superconducting two-dimensional electron gas in KTO. The kinetic inductance of the SQUID is tunable by electrical gating from the back, due to the large dielectric constant of KTO. The demonstration of weak links and SQUIDs in KTO broadens the scope for exploring the underlying physics of KTO superconductivity, including the role of spin-orbit-coupling, pairing symmetry, and inhomogeneity. It also promotes KTO as a versatile platform for a growing family of quantum devices, which could be applicable in the realm of quantum computing and information.
Submitted 24 Oct 2023 to Superconductivity [cond-mat.supr-con]
Published 25 Oct 2023
Updated 01 Oct 2024
Author comments: 44 pages, 23 figures

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