Shallow relic gravitational wave spectrum with acoustic peak


We study the gravitational wave (GW) spectrum produced by acoustic waves in the early universe, such as would be produced by a first order phase transition, focusing on the low-frequency side of the peak. We confirm with numerical simulations the Sound Shell model prediction of a steep rise with wave number $k$ of $k^9$ to a peak whose magnitude grows at a rate $(H/k_\text{p})H$, where $H$ is the Hubble rate and $k_\text{p}$ the peak wave number, set by the peak wave number of the fluid velocity power spectrum. We also show that hitherto neglected terms give a shallower part with amplitude $(H/k_\text{p})^2$ in the range $H \lesssim k \lesssim k_\text{p}$, which in the limit of small $H/k$ rises as $k$. This linear rise has been seen in other modelling and also in direct numerical simulations. The relative amplitude between the linearly rising part and the peak therefore depends on the peak wave number of the velocity spectrum and the lifetime of the source, which in an expanding background is bounded above by the Hubble time $H^{-1}$. For slow phase transitions, which have the lowest peak wave number and the loudest signals, the acoustic GW peak appears as a localized enhancement of the spectrum, with a rise to the peak less steep than $k^9$. The shape of the peak, absent in vortical turbulence, may help to lift degeneracies in phase transition parameter estimation at future GW observatories.
Submitted 24 Aug 2023 to General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology [gr-qc]
Published 25 Aug 2023
Updated 10 Nov 2023
Subjects: gr-qc astro-ph.CO
Author comments: 21 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in JCAP
Report no: NORDITA-2023-051, HIP-2023-13/TH

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