Stellar weak-interaction rates for $rp$-process waiting-point nuclei from projected shell model


We propose a projected shell model (PSM) for description of stellar weak-interaction rates between even-even and odd-odd nuclei with extended configuration space where up to six-quasiparticle (qp) configurations are included, and the stellar weak-interaction rates for eight $rp$-process waiting-point (WP) nuclei, $^{64}$Ge, $^{68}$Se, $^{72}$Kr, $^{76}$Sr, $^{80}$Zr, $^{84}$Mo, $^{88}$Ru and $^{92}$Pd, are calculated and analyzed for the first time within the model. Higher-order qp configurations are found to affect the underlying Gamow-Teller strength distributions and the corresponding stellar weak-interaction rates. Under $rp$-process environments with high temperatures and densities, on one hand, thermal population of excited states of parent nuclei tends to decrease the stellar $\beta^+$ decay rates. On the other hand, the possibility of electron capture (EC) tends to provide increasing contribution to the rates with temperature and density. The effective half-lives of WP nuclei under the $rp$-process peak condition are predicted to be reduced as compared with the terrestrial case, especially for $^{64}$Ge and $^{68}$Se.
Submitted 22 Aug 2023 to Nuclear Theory [nucl-th]
Published 23 Aug 2023

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