Broadband parametric amplification for multiplexed SiMOS quantum dot signals


Spins in semiconductor quantum dots hold great promise as building blocks of quantum processors. Trapping them in SiMOS transistor-like devices eases future industrial scale fabrication. Among the potentially scalable readout solutions, gate-based dispersive radiofrequency reflectometry only requires the already existing transistor gates to readout a quantum dot state, relieving the need for additional elements. In this effort towards scalability, traveling-wave superconducting parametric amplifiers significantly enhance the readout signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by reducing the noise below typical cryogenic low-noise amplifiers, while offering a broad amplification band, essential to multiplex the readout of multiple resonators. In this work, we demonstrate a 3GHz gate-based reflectometry readout of electron charge states trapped in quantum dots formed in SiMOS multi-gate devices, with SNR enhanced thanks to a Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier (JTWPA). The broad, tunable 2GHz amplification bandwidth combined with more than 10dB ON/OFF SNR improvement of the JTWPA enables frequency and time division multiplexed readout of interdot transitions, and noise performance near the quantum limit. In addition, owing to a design without superconducting loops and with a metallic ground plane, the JTWPA is flux insensitive and shows stable performances up to a magnetic field of 1.2T at the quantum dot device, compatible with standard SiMOS spin qubit experiments.
Submitted 27 Jul 2023 to Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Published 28 Jul 2023
Updated 02 Aug 2023

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