Two-particle self-consistency in a system without condensation


In a generic random system, the coexistence of extended and localized states can be evidenced by the subextensive width of energy distribution of a physical initial state in, for example, the quantum quenches which involving the local Hamiltonian. The robust thermalization is also evidenced in terms of the microscopic canonical ensemble average in the thermalization limit\citeShiraishi, which satisfies the weak eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH). In this article, we study the method of two-particle self-consistency for a system without condensation, i.e., without the inaccessible localizations that violating the ETH. We provide another pespective that considering the local conservation of an nonintegrable system the stubborn correlations between the three kinds of decompositions for the four-point functions, which can be regarded as the elements in a product of the self-energy and Green function matrices (i.e., the two-particle correlations in Kadanoff and Baym notation\citeVilk Y M).
Submitted 28 Jun 2023 to Statistical Mechanics [cond-mat.stat-mech]
Published 30 Jun 2023
Updated 26 May 2024

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