Effect of Spherical Polarization on the Magnetic Spectrum of the Solar Wind


Magnetic fluctuations in the solar wind are often observed to maintain constant magnitude of the magnetic field in a manner consistent with spherically-polarized large-amplitude Alfvén waves. We investigate the effect of spherical polarization on the magnetic spectral index through a statistical survey of magnetic fluctuations observed by Parker Solar Probe between 20$R_\odot$ and 200$R_\odot$. We find that deviations from spherical polarization, i.e., changes in $|\mathbf{B}|$ (compressive fluctuations) and one-dimensional discontinuities, have a dramatic effect on the scaling behavior of the turbulent fluctuations. We show that shallow $k^{-3/2}$ spectra are only observed for constant magnetic field strength, three-dimensional structures, which we identify as large amplitude Alfvén waves. The presence of compressive fluctuations coincides with a steepening of the spectrum up to $k^{-5/3}$. Steeper power law scalings approaching $k^{-2}$ are observed when the fluctuations are dominated by discontinuities. Near-sun fluctuations are found to be the most spherically polarized, suggesting that this spherical state is fundamental to the generation of the solar wind. With increasing distance from the Sun, fluctuations are found to become less three dimensional and more compressive, which may indicate the breakdown of the Alfvénic equilibrium state.
Submitted 16 May 2023 to Solar and Stellar Astrophysics [astro-ph.SR]
Published 18 May 2023
Author comments: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

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