Hybrid Nodal-chain Semimetal State in MgCaN2


The distinct over-tilting of band crossings in topological semimetal generates the type-I and typeII classification of Dirac/Weyl and nodal-line fermions, accompanied by the exotic electronic and magnetic transport properties. In this work, we propose a concept of hybrid nodal-chain semimetal, which is identified by the linked type-I and type-II nodal rings in the Brillouin zone. Based on first-principles calculations and swarm-intelligence structure search technique, a new ternary nitride MgCaN2 crystal is proposed as the first candidate to realize a novel 3D hybrid nodal-chain state. Remarkably, a flat band is emergent as a characteristic signature of such a hybrid nodal-chain along certain direction in the momentum space, thereby serving a platform to explore the interplay between topological semimetal state and flat band. Moreover, the underlying protection mechanism of the hybrid nodal-chain is revealed by calculating the mirror Z2 invariant and developing a k.p effective Hamiltonian. Additionally, considerable drumhead-like surface states with unique connection patterns are illustrated to identify the non-trivial band topology, which may be measured by future experiments.
Submitted 08 Jan 2023 to Materials Science [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Published 10 Jan 2023
Author comments: 9 pages, 6 figures
Msc class: hybrid Nodal-chain semimetal, band tilting effect, flat-band, first-principles calculations

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