Giant and Reversible Electronic Structure Evolution in a Magnetic Topological Material EuCd2As2


The electronic structure and the physical properties of quantum materials can be significantly altered by charge carrier doping and magnetic state transition. Here we report a discovery of a giant and reversible electronic structure evolution with doping in a magnetic topological material. By performing high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements on EuCd2As2,we found that a huge amount of hole doping can be introduced into the sample surface due to surface absorption. The electronic structure exhibits a dramatic change with the hole doping which can not be described by a rigid band shift. Prominent band splitting is observed at high doping which corresponds to a doping-induced magnetic transition at low temperature (below -15 K) from an antiferromagnetic state to a ferromagnetic state. These results have established a detailed electronic phase diagram of EuCd2As2 where the electronic structure and the magnetic structure change systematically and dramatically with the doping level. They further suggest that the transport, magnetic and topological properties of EuCd2As2 can be greatly modified by doping. These work will stimulate further investigations to explore for new phenomena and properties in doping this magnetic topological material.
Submitted 28 Aug 2022 to Materials Science [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Published 30 Aug 2022
Author comments: 22 pages,5 figures
Journal ref: Phys. Rev. B 106, 085134 (2022)
Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.085134

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