Contact interaction analysis of octet baryon axialvector and pseudoscalar form factors


Octet baryon axial, induced pseudoscalar, and pseudoscalar form factors are computed using a symmetry-preserving treatment of a vector$\,\times\,$vector contact interaction (SCI), thereby unifying them with an array of other baryon properties and analogous treatments of semileptonic decays of pseudoscalar mesons. The baryons are treated as quark--plus--interacting-diquark bound states, whose structure is obtained by solving a Poincaré-covariant Faddeev equation. The approach is marked by algebraic simplicity, involves no free parameters, and since it is symmetry preserving, all consequences of partial conservation of the axial current are manifest. It is found that SCI results are consistent with only small violations of SU$(3)$-flavour symmetry, an outcome which may be understood as a dynamical consequence of emergent hadron mass. The spin-flavour structure of the Poincaré-covariant baryon wave functions is expressed in the presence of both flavour-antitriplet scalar diquarks and flavour-sextet axialvector diquarks and plays a key role in determining all form factors. Considering neutral axial currents, SCI predictions for the flavour separation of octet baryon axial charges and, therefrom, values for the associated SU$(3)$ singlet, triplet, and octet axial charges are obtained. The results indicate that at the hadron scale, $\zeta_{\cal H}$, valence degrees-of-freedom carry roughly 50% of an octet baryon's total spin. Since there are no other degrees-of-freedom at $\zeta_{\cal H}$, the remainder may be associated with quark+diquark orbital angular momentum.
Submitted 27 Jul 2022 to High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph]
Published 29 Jul 2022
Updated 02 Aug 2022
Author comments: 20 pages, 6 figures, 15 tables
Report no: NJU-INP 063/22, USTC-ICTS/PCFT-22-21

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