The Galaxy Evolution Probe


The Galaxy Evolution Probe (GEP) is a concept for a mid- and far-infrared space observatory to measure key properties of large samples of galaxies with large and unbiased surveys. GEP will attempt to achieve zodiacal light and Galactic dust emission photon background-limited observations by utilizing a 6 Kelvin, 2.0 meter primary mirror and sensitive arrays of kinetic inductance detectors. It will have two instrument modules: a 10 - 400 micron hyperspectral imager with spectral resolution R = 8 (GEP-I) and a 24 - 193 micron, R = 200 grating spectrometer (GEP-S). GEP-I surveys will identify star-forming galaxies via their thermal dust emission and simultaneously measure redshifts using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission lines. Galaxy luminosities derived from star formation and nuclear supermassive black hole accretion will be measured for each source, enabling the cosmic star formation history to be measured to much greater precision than previously possible. Using optically thin far-infrared fine-structure lines, surveys with GEP-S will measure the growth of metallicity in the hearts of galaxies over cosmic time and extraplanar gas will be mapped in spiral galaxies in the local universe to investigate feedback processes. The science case and mission architecture designed to meet the science requirements are described, and the kinetic inductance detector and readout electronics state of the art and needed developments are described. This paper supersedes the GEP concept study report cited in it by providing new content, including: a summary of recent mid-infrared KID development, a discussion of microlens array fabrication for mid-infrared KIDs, and additional context for galaxy surveys. The reader interested in more technical details may want to consult the concept study report.
Submitted 01 Sep 2021 to Astrophysics of Galaxies [astro-ph.GA]
Published 03 Sep 2021
Author comments: 84 pages, 24 figures, published in JATIS
Journal ref: J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 7(3), 034004 (2021)
Doi: 10.1117/1.JATIS.7.3.034004

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