Fully resolved currents from quantum transport calculations


We extract local current distributions from interatomic currents calculated using a fully relativistic quantum mechanical scattering formalism by interpolation onto a three-dimensional grid. The method is illustrated with calculations for Pt$|$Ir and Pt$|$Au multilayers as well as for thin films of Pt and Au that include temperature-dependent lattice disorder. The current flow is studied in the "classical" and "Knudsen" limits determined by the sample thickness relative to the mean free path $\lambda$, introducing current streamlines to visualize the results. For periodic multilayers, our results in the classical limit reveal that transport inside a metal can be described using a single value of resistivity $\rho$ combined with a linear variation of $\rho$ at the interface while the Knudsen limit indicates a strong spatial dependence of $\rho$ inside a metal and an anomalous dip of the current density at the interface which is accentuated in a region where transient shunting persists.
Submitted 19 Apr 2021 to Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Published 21 Apr 2021
Author comments: Accepted for publication in Physical Review B

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