Enhanced spin coherence while displacing electron in a 2D array of quantum dots


The ability to shuttle coherently individual electron spins in arrays of quantum dots is a key procedure for the development of scalable quantum information platforms. It allows the use of sparsely populated electron spin arrays, envisioned to efficiently tackle the one- and two-qubit gate challenges. When the electrons are displaced in an array, they are submitted to site-dependent environment interactions such as hyperfine coupling with substrate nuclear spins. Here, we demonstrate that the electron multi-directional displacement in a $3\times 3$ array of tunnel coupled quantum dots enhances the spin coherence time via the motional narrowing phenomenon. More specifically, up to 10 configurations are explored by the electrons to study the impact of the displacement on spin dynamics. An increase of the coherence time by a factor up to 10 is observed in case of fast and repetitive displacement. The physical mechanism responsible for the loss of coherence induced by displacement is quantitatively captured by a simple model and its implications on spin coherence properties during the electron displacement are discussed in the context of large-scale quantum circuits.
Submitted 15 Jan 2021 to Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Published 18 Jan 2021
Author comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, 6 supplementary figures
Scited by: Ben Criger

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