Ultra-shallow junction electrodes in low-loss silicon micro-ring resonators


Electrodes in close proximity to an active area of a device are required for sufficient electrical control. The integration of such electrodes into optical devices can be challenging since low optical losses must be retained to realise high quality operation. Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to place a metallic shallow phosphorus doped layer in a silicon micro-ring cavity that can function at cryogenic temperatures. We verify that the shallow doping layer affects the local refractive index while inducing minimal losses with quality factors up to 10$^5$. This demonstration opens up a pathway to the integration of an electronic device, such as a single-electron transistor, into an optical circuit on the same material platform.
Submitted 11 Oct 2020 to Applied Physics [physics.app-ph]
Published 01 Dec 2020
Author comments: 6 figures

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