Conditional generation of multiphoton-subtracted squeezed vacuum states: loss consideration and operator description


In terms of the characteristic functions of the quantum states, we present a complete operator description of a lossy photon-subtraction scheme. Feeding a single-mode squeezed vacuum into a variable beam splitter and counting the photons in one of the output channels, a broad class of multiphoton-subtracted squeezed vacuum states (MSSVSs) can be generated in other channel. Here the losses are considered in the beginning and the end channels in the circuit. Indeed, this scheme has been discussed in Ref. [Phys. Rev. A 100, 022341 (2019)]. However, different from the above work, we give all the details of the optical fields in all stages. In addition, we present the analytical expressions and numerical simulations for the success probability, the quadrature squeezing effect, photon-number distribution and Wigner function of the MSSVSs. Some interesting results effected by the losses are obtained.
Submitted 25 Nov 2019 to Quantum Physics [quant-ph]
Published 26 Nov 2019
Author comments: 7 pages, 9 figures

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