2$\Phi_{0}$-periodic magnetic interference in ballistic graphene Josephson junctions


We investigate supercurrent interference patterns measured as a function of magnetic field in ballistic graphene Josephson junctions. At high doping, the expected $\Phi_{0}$-periodic "Fraunhofer" pattern is observed, indicating a uniform current distribution. Close to the Dirac point, we find anomalous interference patterns with an apparent 2$\Phi_{0}$ periodicity, similar to that predicted for topological Andreev bound states carrying a charge of $e$ instead of $2e$. This feature persists with increasing temperature, ruling out a non-sinusoidal current-phase relationship. It also persists in junctions in which sharp vacuum edges are eliminated. Our results indicate that the observed behavior may originate from an intrinsic property of ballistic graphene Josephson junctions, though the exact mechanism remains unclear.
Submitted 19 Jun 2019 to Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Published 20 Jun 2019
Updated 20 Jun 2019
Author comments: Main text+ supplementary

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