Simulate anyons by cold atoms with induced electric dipole momentum


We show that it is possible to simulate an anyon by a trapped atom which possesses an induced electric dipole moment in the background of electromagnetic fields with a specific configuration. The electromagnetic fields we applied contain a magnetic and two electric fields. We find that when the atom is cooled down to the limit of the negligibly small kinetic energy, the atom behaves like an anyon because its angular momentum takes fractional values. The fractional part of the angular momentum is determined by both the magnetic and one of the electric fields. Roles two electromagnetic fields played are analyzed.
Submitted 18 Jul 2018 to Quantum Physics [quant-ph]
Published 19 Jul 2018
Updated 10 Apr 2020
Author comments: 5 pages, 2 figures and 1 table. Added one autor but removed one. Introduction is rewritten. Some references are updated and some typos are corrected

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