A scaling theory for the long-range to short-range crossover and an infrared duality


We study the second-order phase transition in the $d$-dimensional Ising model with long-range interactions decreasing as a power of the distance $1/r^{d+s}$. For $s$ below some known value $s_*$, the transition is described by a conformal field theory without a local stress tensor operator, with critical exponents varying continuously as functions of $s$. At $s=s_*$, the phase transition crosses over to the short-range universality class. While the location $s_*$ of this crossover has been known for 40 years, its physics has not been fully understood, the main difficulty being that the standard description of the long-range critical point is strongly coupled at the crossover. In this paper we propose another field-theoretic description which, on the contrary, is weakly coupled near the crossover. We use this description to clarify the nature of the crossover and make predictions about the critical exponents. That the same long-range critical point can be reached from two different UV descriptions provides a new example of infrared duality.
Submitted 15 Mar 2017 to High Energy Physics - Theory [hep-th]
Published 17 Mar 2017
Updated 23 Aug 2017
Author comments: 57pp, detailed version of arXiv:1703.03430, v2: misprints corrected, v3: refs and discussion of log corrections at the crossover added, v4: published version plus extra comments in appendix A,B and an acknowledgement, v5: published version plus extra comments in appendix A,B and an acknowledgement (replacing the wrong tex file of v4)
Report no: CERN PH-TH/2017-052, YITP-SB-17-13
Journal ref: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017) 354002
Doi: 10.1088/1751-8121/aa8099

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