Making extreme computations possible with virtual machines


State-of-the-art algorithms generate scattering amplitudes for high-energy physics at leading order for high-multiplicity processes as compiled code (in Fortran, C or C++). For complicated processes the size of these libraries can become tremendous (many GiB). We show that amplitudes can be translated to byte-code instructions, which even reduce the size by one order of magnitude. The byte-code is interpreted by a Virtual Machine with runtimes comparable to compiled code and a better scaling with additional legs. We study the properties of this algorithm, as an extension of the Optimizing Matrix Element Generator (O'Mega). The bytecode matrix elements are available as alternative input for the event generator WHIZARD. The bytecode interpreter can be implemented very compactly, which will help with a future implementation on massively parallel GPUs.
Submitted 23 Feb 2016 to Computational Physics [physics.comp-ph]
Published 24 Feb 2016
Updated 26 Feb 2016
Author comments: 5 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1411.3834
Report no: DESY 16-034

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