Iwasawa nilpotency degree of non compact symmetric cosets in N-extended Supergravity


We analyze the polynomial part of the Iwasawa realization of the coset representative of non compact symmetric Riemannian spaces. We start by studying the role of Kostant's principal SU(2)_P subalgebra of simple Lie algebras, and how it determines the structure of the nilpotent subalgebras. This allows us to compute the maximal degree of the polynomials for all faithful representations of Lie algebras. In particular the metric coefficients are related to the scalar kinetic terms while the representation of electric and magnetic charges is related to the coupling of scalars to vector field strengths as they appear in the Lagrangian. We consider symmetric scalar manifolds in N-extended supergravity in various space-time dimensions, elucidating various relations with the underlying Jordan algebras and normed Hurwitz algebras. For magic supergravity theories, our results are consistent with the Tits-Satake projection of symmetric spaces and the nilpotency degree turns out to depend only on the space-time dimension of the theory. These results should be helpful within a deeper investigation of the corresponding supergravity theory, e.g. in studying ultraviolet properties of maximal supergravity in various dimensions.
Submitted 20 Feb 2014 to High Energy Physics - Theory [hep-th]
Published 21 Feb 2014
Author comments: 40 pages
Report no: CERN-PH-TH/2014-026

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