Cosmological Perturbations Across an S-brane


Space-filling S-branes can mediate a transition between a contracting and an expanding universe in the Einstein frame. Following up on previous work that uncovered such bouncing solutions in the context of weakly coupled thermal configurations of a certain class of type II superstrings, we set up here the formalism in which we can study the evolution of metric fluctuations across such an S-brane. Our work shows that the specific nature of the S-brane, which is sourced by non-trivial massless thermal string states and appears when the universe reaches a maximal critical temperature, allows for a scale invariant spectrum of curvature fluctuations to manifest at late times via a stringy realization of the matter bounce scenario. The finite energy density at the transition from contraction to expansion provides calculational control over the propagation of the curvature perturbations through the bounce, furnishing a working proof of concept that such a stringy universe can result in viable late time cosmology.
Submitted 09 Dec 2013 to High Energy Physics - Theory [hep-th]
Published 10 Dec 2013
Updated 05 Feb 2014
Author comments: 30 pages, 3 appendices, typos corrected, references added, matches version to appear in JCAP
Report no: CERN-PH-TH/2013-289, CPHT-RR001.0113, LPTENS-13/18

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