Young stellar population and ongoing star formation in the HII complex Sh2-252


In this paper an extensive survey of the star forming complex Sh2-252 has been undertaken with an aim to explore its hidden young stellar population as well as to understand the structure and star formation history. This complex is composed of five embedded clusters associated with the sub-regions A, C, E, NGC 2175s and Teu 136. Using 2MASS-NIR and Spitzer-IRAC, MIPS photometry we identified 577 young stellar objects (YSOs), of which, 163 are Class I, 400 are Class II and 14 are transition disk YSOs. Spatial distribution of the candidate YSOs shows that they are mostly clustered around the sub-regions in the western half of the complex, suggesting enhanced star formation activity towards its west. Using the spectral energy distribution and optical colour-magnitude diagram based age analyses, we derived probable evolutionary status of the sub-regions of Sh2-252. Our analysis shows that the region A is the youngest (~ 0.5 Myr), the regions B, C and E are of similar evolutionary stage (~ 1-2 Myr) and the clusters NGC 2175s and Teu 136 are slightly evolved (~ 2-3 Myr). Morphology of the region in the 1.1 mm map shows a semi-circular shaped molecular shell composed of several clumps and YSOs bordering the western ionization front of Sh2-252. Our analyses suggest that next generation star formation is currently under way along this border and that possibly fragmentation of the matter collected during the expansion of the HII region as one of the major processes responsible for such stars. We observed the densest concentration of YSOs (mostly Class I, ~ 0.5 Myr) at the western outskirts of the complex, within a molecular clump associated with water and methanol masers and we suggest that it is indeed a site of cluster formation at a very early evolutionary stage, sandwiched between the two relatively evolved CHII regions A and B.
Submitted 19 Apr 2013 to Solar and Stellar Astrophysics [astro-ph.SR]
Published 22 Apr 2013
Author comments: 19 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

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