Stringy origin of Tevatron Wjj anomaly


The invariant mass distribution of dijets produced in association with W bosons, recently observed by the CDF Collaboration at Tevatron, reveals an excess in the dijet mass range 120-160 GeV/c^2, 3\sigma beyond Standard Model expectations. We show that such an excess is a generic feature of low mass string theory, due to the production and decay of a leptophobic Z', a singlet partner of SU(3) gluons coupled primarily to the U(1) baryon number. In this framework, U(1) and SU(3) appear as subgroups of U(3) associated with open strings ending on a stack of 3 D-branes. In addition, a minimal model contains two other stacks to accommodate the electro-weak SU(2) ∈U(2) and the hypercharge U(1). Of the three U(1) gauge bosons, the two heavy Z' and Z" receive masses through the Green-Schwarz mechanism. For a given Z' mass, the model is quite constrained. Fine tuning three of its free parameters is just sufficient to simultaneously ensure: a small Z-Z' mixing in accord with the stringent LEP data on the $Z$ mass; very small (less than 1%) branching ratio into leptons; and a large hierarchy between Z" and Z' masses. The heavier neutral gauge boson Z" is within the reach of LHC.
Submitted 12 Apr 2011 to High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph]
Published 13 Apr 2011
Updated 19 May 2011
Subjects: hep-ph hep-ex hep-th
Author comments: v1 8 pages revtex; v2 better fit to the data (Z" within LHC reach), references added; v3 to appear in PLB
Report no: MPP--2011--41; LMU-ASC 13/11; CERN-PH-TH/2011-079
Journal ref: Phys.Lett.B701:224-228,2011
Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.05.049

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