Early spin determination at the LHC?


If signals of new physics are discovered at the LHC it will be crucial to determine the spin structure of the new model. We discuss a method that can help to address this question with a low integrated luminosity, L=1 fb^-1, at sqrts=14 TeV. Based on the differences in angular distributions of primarily produced particles we show that a significant difference can be observed in the final state jet-pairs rapidity distance. An additional advantage of the method is that it does not rely on any particular structure of the couplings in the decay chain. We simulate samples for models with supersymmetric and UED-like spin structure and show that a distinction can be made early on.
Submitted 01 Feb 2011 to High Energy Physics - Phenomenology [hep-ph]
Published 03 Feb 2011
Updated 03 Apr 2011
Author comments: 7 pages, 5 figures, discussion of new scenarios added, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
Report no: DESY 11-017, Bonn-TH-2011-03
Journal ref: Phys.Lett.B699:158-163,2011
Doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.03.064

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