Challenges for Modeling Nuclear Structure: Are the Proton and Neutron Masses and A-body Interactions Relevant?


We discuss some of the challenges that future nuclear modeling may face in order to improve the description of the nuclear structure. One challenge is related to the need for A-body nuclear interactions justified by various contemporary nuclear physics studies. Another challenge is related to the discrepancy in the NNN contact interaction parameters for 3He and 3H that suggests the need for accurate proton and neutron masses in the future precision calculations. MSC2010 Classification: 17B81 Applications to physics, 17B80 Applications to integrable systems, 81R12 Relations with integrable systems, 81V70 Many-body theory, 81V35 Nuclear physics, 81U15 Exactly and quasi-solvable systems, 82B23 Exactly solvable models; Bethe ansatz.
Submitted 27 Nov 2010 to Nuclear Theory [nucl-th]
Published 30 Nov 2010
Subjects: nucl-th quant-ph
Author comments: 13 pages, 6 figures, Contribution to the XXIX International Workshop on Nuclear Theory, June 20 - 26, 2010, Rila Mountains, Bulgaria
Msc class: 17B80, 17B81, 81R12, 81V35, 81V70, 81U15, 82B23

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