Optimal deterministic routing and sorting on the congested clique

C Lenzen�- Proceedings of the 2013 ACM symposium on�…, 2013 - dl.acm.org
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing, 2013dl.acm.org
Consider a clique of n nodes, where in each synchronous round each pair of nodes can
exchange O (log n) bits. We provide deterministic constant-time solutions for two problems in
this model. The first is a routing problem where each node is source and destination of n
messages of size O (log n). The second is a sorting problem where each node i is given n
keys of size O (log n) and needs to receive the ith batch of n keys according to the global
order of the keys. The latter result also implies deterministic constant-round solutions for�…
Consider a clique of n nodes, where in each synchronous round each pair of nodes can exchange O(log n) bits. We provide deterministic constant-time solutions for two problems in this model. The first is a routing problem where each node is source and destination of n messages of size O(log n). The second is a sorting problem where each node i is given n keys of size O(log n) and needs to receive the ith batch of n keys according to the global order of the keys. The latter result also implies deterministic constant-round solutions for related problems such as selection or determining modes.
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