A taxonomy of problems with fast parallel algorithms

SA Cook�- Information and control, 1985 - Elsevier
Information and control, 1985Elsevier
The class NC consists of problems solvable very fast (in time polynomial in log n) in parallel
with a feasible (polynomial) number of processors. Many natural problems in NC are known;
in this paper an attempt is made to identify important subclasses of NC and give interesting
examples in each subclass. The notion of NC 1-reducibility is introduced and used
throughout (problem R is NC 1-reducible to problem S if R can be solved with uniform log-
depth circuits using oracles for S). Problems complete with respect to this reducibility are�…
The class NC consists of problems solvable very fast (in time polynomial in log n) in parallel with a feasible (polynomial) number of processors. Many natural problems in NC are known; in this paper an attempt is made to identify important subclasses of NC and give interesting examples in each subclass. The notion of NC1-reducibility is introduced and used throughout (problem R is NC1-reducible to problem S if R can be solved with uniform log-depth circuits using oracles for S). Problems complete with respect to this reducibility are given for many of the subclasses of NC. A general technique, the “parallel greedy algorithm,” is identified and used to show that finding a minimum spanning forest of a graph is reducible to the graph accessibility problem and hence is in NC2 (solvable by uniform Boolean circuits of depth O(log2 n) and polynomial size). The class LOGCFL is given a new characterization in terms of circuit families. The class DET of problems reducible to integer determinants is defined and many examples given. A new problem complete for deterministic polynomial time is given, namely, finding the lexicographically first maximal clique in a graph. This paper is a revised version of S. A. Cook, (1983, in “Proceedings 1983 Intl. Found. Comut. Sci. Conf.,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 158, pp. 78–93, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York).