Simple analytical derivation of the fields of an ultrashort tightly focused linearly polarized laser pulse

YI Salamin�- Physical Review A, 2015 - APS
Physical Review A, 2015APS
Analytic expressions for the electric and magnetic fields of an ultrashort, tightly focused,
linearly polarized laser pulse are derived, to lowest order of a truncated power-series
expansion, from vector and scalar potentials. Clear steps are described for the analytic and
numerical evaluation of higher-order terms in the series, to any desired accuracy.
Analytic expressions for the electric and magnetic fields of an ultrashort, tightly focused, linearly polarized laser pulse are derived, to lowest order of a truncated power-series expansion, from vector and scalar potentials. Clear steps are described for the analytic and numerical evaluation of higher-order terms in the series, to any desired accuracy.
American Physical Society