How to specify and verify the long-run average behaviour of probabilistic systems

L De Alfaro�- …�. Thirteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in�…, 1998 -
… erties of probabilistic systems, and we present veri cation and speci cation methods that
overcome … To complete our review of related work, we mention the use of formal methods for the …

[PDF][PDF] The verification of probabilistic systems under memoryless partial-information policies is hard

… Our model for probabilistic systems is a Markov decision process (MDP). An MDP is a
generalization of a Markov chain in which a set of possible actions is associated with each state. …

From fairness to chance

L de Alfaro�- Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 1999 - Elsevier
… for probabilistic systems, and we provide algorithms that solve the verification problem for
various classes of probabilistic … of formal methods for the analysis and verification of systems re…

Computing minimum and maximum reachability times in probabilistic systems

L De Alfaro�- International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 1999 - Springer
… that arise as model for distributed probabilistic systems. We present efficient methods for
solving these two classes of … Technical Report CSR-99-1, University of Birmingham, 1999. …

Don't Know in Probabilistic Systems

H Fecher, M Leucker, V Wolf�- …�Checking Software: 13th International SPIN�…, 2006 - Springer
… To be able to relate the behavior of abstract and concrete systems, we equip the notion of
ab… probabilistic systems (abstract Markov chains) with respect to specifications in probabilistic

Qualitative logics and equivalences for probabilistic systems

K Chatterjee, L De Alfaro, M Faella…�- Logical Methods in�…, 2009 -
… the probabilistic component of the behavior described the system’… for concurrent probabilistic
systems, probabilistic systems … ], and under-specified probabilistic systems [BdA95, dA97a]. …

Undecidability results for distributed probabilistic systems

S Giro�- Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, 2009 - Springer
… and distributed systems. Model checking is a push-button technique to check properties
about the behaviour of probabilistic systems. Given a property and a model of the system, model …

Qualitative logics and equivalences for probabilistic systems

L de Alfaro, K Chatterjee, M Faella…�- …�Evaluation of Systems �…, 2007 -
… can ask two kinds of verification questions: quantitative and … probability with which the
property holds in the system; qualitative questions ask whether the property holds with probability

Specification patterns for probabilistic quality properties

L Grunske�- …�of the 30th international conference on Software�…, 2008 -
… in the specification of probabilistic properties is given… system and the structured English
grammar captures expert knowledge and helps practitioners to correctly apply formal verification

Model checking discounted temporal properties

L De Alfaro, M Faella, TA Henzinger…�- …�and Analysis of Systems, 2004 - Springer
… breaks down as soon as we consider both probabilistic systems and quantitative valuations.
Since discounting plays no role in the proof of the theorem, an analogous result holds also …