[PDF][PDF] The Ins and Outs of Critiquing.

D McSherry, DW Aha�- IJCAI, 2007 - ijcai.org
… Eliminating previously recommended products in critiquing limits thecritiqued earlier in
the dialogue (eg, in search of cheaper alternatives). In the worst case, a user may find that the

On the evolution of critiquing recommenders

L McGinty, J Reilly�- Recommender systems handbook, 2010 - Springer
… We describe how the nature of the critiques that are presented to the user … In the second
instance, we outline some of the key issues that have presented retrieval challenges in critiquing

[BOOK][B] The limits of critique

R Felski - 2015 - books.google.com
… , it is gradually entering the critical conversation.) As we will see, the idea of critique contains
varying hues and shades of meaning, but its key elements include the following: a spirit of …

[PDF][PDF] The incapacitating effects of competence: a critique

J Grant�- Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1999 - academia.edu
… Just as medicine, in its time, has adopted problem-based learning, evidence-… In the
meanwhile, I leave you to ponder the question of why we are prepared to adopt a practice, even the

Atheoretical macroeconometrics: A critique

TF Cooley, SF LeRoy�- Journal of Monetary Economics, 1985 - Elsevier
… All the criticisms of atheoretical macroeconometrics set out in … we therefore fill in some of
the gaps in the Cowles exposition. … with the spirit of the Cowles program, but we concede the

Why has critique run out of steam? From matters of fact to matters of concern

B Latour�- Critical inquiry, 2004 - journals.uchicago.edu
… Or, rather, have we behaved like mad scientists who have let the virus of critique out of the
… up, even the vessels in which it is contained? Or is it an another case of the famed power of …

Project-based investigations for producing and critiquing statistics

NC Lavigne - 1999 - escholarship.mcgill.ca
The author retains ownership ofthe copyright in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial
extracts … quantity and quality of reasoning that were higher initially in the control than in the

Recomment: Towards critiquing-based recommendation with speech interaction

P Grasch, A Felfernig, F Reinfrank�- …�of the 7th ACM Conference on�…, 2013 - dl.acm.org
In Section 2 we discuss related research to position our … in relation to the state of the art
in critiquing-based recommendation. Section 3 presents the algorithms and components of the

[BOOK][B] Writing the social: Critique, theory, and investigations

DE Smith - 1999 - books.google.com
… among an increasing number of sociologists� in which we find out how to write the social,
learning from the course of inquiry, from each other, and from the discipline of teaching. …

Women's perspective as a radical critique of sociology

DE Smith�- The feminist standpoint theory reader: Intellectual and�…, 2004 - books.google.com
… We find out how to treat the world as instances of a … Entering the governing mode of our
kind of society lifts the actor out of the immediate local and particular place in which he is in the